Thursday, May 15, 2008

5/15/08-I'll Be Gone

Hiya guys,

Thanks for reading this first of all.

I just want to let you know that I'm going to be gone from Friday (tomorrow) to probably Monday. I'm having knee surgery (nooooo) and so I won't be able to post, understandably.

Puppy's doing quite well. He's eating normally, his worms are so far under control (or so we think!) he's...defecating...normally now, his...poop isn't all runny and diarhea-y (YUCK!) so it's much easier to clean up.

He's still thin, although my mom is going to make him a special dinner tonight to hopefully help him with his weight issue. Not really the best idea, but he deserves a treat!!!

He's beginning to trust me more, he'll come up to me now, but he's still skittish of everyone else who's NOT a major food source, haha!

When he gets more confident we will begin learning our puppy-dog manners!!!!!

See you soon!!!

~Jennifyr and Puppy

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

5/14/08-Sorry for not posting yesterday!!!

Sorry I didn't post yesterday!!! Things have been QUITE QUITE busy, actually.

Puppy's doing better...I guess.

Thanks to a test, we've found he has worms (ARG!!!) now we have to buy this expensive worm treatment (crudola)

I've slowly, VERY slowly, but surely, have started to gain his trust. Although he's a skittish little guy, he doesn't cower in fear when I come over anymore, although I have to go towards him very slowly or he'll run.

I can pet him, and officially, if I've filled his belly enough, am allowed to hold him on my lap.

He's really quite pitiful, he's so incredibly thin, I feel awful for him.

He's sickly, frail, thin, all because some FAT man couldn't spend enough time to feed and take care of him. Eating old table scraps is better than nothing!!! (not that feeding them table scraps is good, haha)

I really, really hate abusion, and neglection.

Sooo COMMENT away so we get money for abuse and neglect help!!!

Thanks SOOOO much to everyone who's commented (lol, only Oxy!) and to those who've bookmarked (Oxycodone as far as I know) and anyone reading this.

$10 is MUCH MUCH better than nothing. Remember that folks, remember that!!!

Signing off,

~Jenni and Puppy

Monday, May 12, 2008

5/12/08-News and Updates

This morning was not so bad, "Puppy" is still skittish, and afraid, but he ate quite well, and is beginning to bolden up in terms of Budsey, my freakishly annoying, but quite sweet, Boston Terrier puppy. Puppy doesn't quite like Budsey, although Budsey doesn't understand that--He thinks the WORLD is his friend.

I decided to see what damage was really done. I pulled out a picture of a Boxer, and compared Puppy to it. The damage is greater than I had though. I knew he was thin, but I never knew he was THIS thin!!! His bones are VERY pronounced, his fur is dingy, he has scars on him, and it's just terrible.

Puppy went to the vet, and the vet thinks he's about 3 months old. He's quite a puppy puppy.

Here's something to think about:

I can't call him "Puppy" his whole life. I have narrowed it down to 2 main choices of names. Please vote for your favourite in comment form.
-Soccorso (Socko)

I really quite like those. Soccorso was suggested by an RKC member whose name currently escapes me. I will find out, though, I swear.

I've also decided I need to do something in Puppy's honour to help other abused/neglected dogs. Through the help of a very supportive friend who loves animals, and especially Puppy, as I do, has agreed to give us $10 for every 100 comments TSOAE gets. Here are the rules:
-Have 100 comments
-They can be by the same people, but on different blog posts
-Another $10 will be donated per hundred comments (ie. 100 comments = $10 total, another 100 comments equaling 200 total = $10 donated = $20 total)
-They have to be GOOD comments. NO SPAM

I'm also planning another fundraiser, through me, my family, and my friends, a small but sure one, and all I can hint you right now is, if you're from RKC, GET YOUR SHOW DOGZ READY!!!

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Welcome To Tear's Stains On Angel's Eyes

Welcome everyone, to Tear's Stains On Angel's Eyes. This is quite the long name, so I prefer to call it TSOAE.

This blog is dedicated to a special little Boxer puppy, that currently has no name.

I was walking to get some shoes from the dollar store, when I heard some yelling in the alleyway. Although it was unsafe, I went to see what was happening, and low and behold, a drunk FAT man was beating on a little, tiny Boxer puppy.

Upon closer investigation (with the help of a peanut butter and jelly sandwich) I saw that this poor puppy was male, scarred, and helplessly starved. You could see almost every bone in his body.

It was pitiful. What bothers me most is that the man who starved him was FAT. HE was OVERWEIGHT and his DOG was UNDERWEIGHT.

Poor little Puppy was taken home, and was fed, and I'm fostering him, and hopefully keeping him.

This blog is dedicated to first of all, finding him a name, charting his progress, and overall, helping to spread the word about animal abuse, neglect, and cruelty.