Monday, May 12, 2008

5/12/08-News and Updates

This morning was not so bad, "Puppy" is still skittish, and afraid, but he ate quite well, and is beginning to bolden up in terms of Budsey, my freakishly annoying, but quite sweet, Boston Terrier puppy. Puppy doesn't quite like Budsey, although Budsey doesn't understand that--He thinks the WORLD is his friend.

I decided to see what damage was really done. I pulled out a picture of a Boxer, and compared Puppy to it. The damage is greater than I had though. I knew he was thin, but I never knew he was THIS thin!!! His bones are VERY pronounced, his fur is dingy, he has scars on him, and it's just terrible.

Puppy went to the vet, and the vet thinks he's about 3 months old. He's quite a puppy puppy.

Here's something to think about:

I can't call him "Puppy" his whole life. I have narrowed it down to 2 main choices of names. Please vote for your favourite in comment form.
-Soccorso (Socko)

I really quite like those. Soccorso was suggested by an RKC member whose name currently escapes me. I will find out, though, I swear.

I've also decided I need to do something in Puppy's honour to help other abused/neglected dogs. Through the help of a very supportive friend who loves animals, and especially Puppy, as I do, has agreed to give us $10 for every 100 comments TSOAE gets. Here are the rules:
-Have 100 comments
-They can be by the same people, but on different blog posts
-Another $10 will be donated per hundred comments (ie. 100 comments = $10 total, another 100 comments equaling 200 total = $10 donated = $20 total)
-They have to be GOOD comments. NO SPAM

I'm also planning another fundraiser, through me, my family, and my friends, a small but sure one, and all I can hint you right now is, if you're from RKC, GET YOUR SHOW DOGZ READY!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I wish you and "Puppy" the best of Luck. I can't promise I will be every day to comment, but I will try to check in and contribute what I can.
To many times have I seen neglected dogs, and sadly it's pitbulls by me. I can honestly say the pits I worked with in my salon enjoyed it more being bathed than going home.