Sunday, May 11, 2008

Welcome To Tear's Stains On Angel's Eyes

Welcome everyone, to Tear's Stains On Angel's Eyes. This is quite the long name, so I prefer to call it TSOAE.

This blog is dedicated to a special little Boxer puppy, that currently has no name.

I was walking to get some shoes from the dollar store, when I heard some yelling in the alleyway. Although it was unsafe, I went to see what was happening, and low and behold, a drunk FAT man was beating on a little, tiny Boxer puppy.

Upon closer investigation (with the help of a peanut butter and jelly sandwich) I saw that this poor puppy was male, scarred, and helplessly starved. You could see almost every bone in his body.

It was pitiful. What bothers me most is that the man who starved him was FAT. HE was OVERWEIGHT and his DOG was UNDERWEIGHT.

Poor little Puppy was taken home, and was fed, and I'm fostering him, and hopefully keeping him.

This blog is dedicated to first of all, finding him a name, charting his progress, and overall, helping to spread the word about animal abuse, neglect, and cruelty.

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